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    +48 605 480 560

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Aktywizowanie społeczności

Activating the Community

We influence the organization of residents, helping in development and in gaining new experience.
Rozwój kultury

Development and promotion of culture

We are involved in a widely interpreted promotion of culture including events promoting the local traditions.
Rozwój infrastuktury

Development of infrastructure

We support development and availability of social services by investments in the infrastructure.
Rozwój przedsiębiorczości

Development of entrepreneurship

We focus on development of agritourism, as well as on manufacturing and distribution of local products
Promocja zatrudnienia

Promotion of employment

We provide assistance to people unable who cannot cope well on the labour market and are ...
Ochrona i promocja zdrowia

Health protection and promotion

Health is the most important, therefore we place emphasis on health education of rural inhabitants.
Pomoc starszym i niepełnosprawnym

Assistance to the elderly and disabled

The most lonely and dependent senior citizens are provided by us with various form of assistance.
Wykluczenie cyfrowe

Counteracting digital exclusion

We enable access to new technologies assuring full participation in social life.
Pomoc materialna

Providing financial support

We provide specialist forms of support for children from poor families and educationally neglected children.
Organizacja imprez plenerowych

Organizing outdoor events and balls

By organizing mass events, we wish to encourage others to provide help.

Encouraging agricultural marketing

Informing about quality of agri-food products, organization of conferences and promotions, taking part in fairs, market ...

Agri-food products promotion

Promotion of pork, beef, poultry meat, horsemeat, mutton, milk, cereals, fruit and vegetables, fish and their ...
Inicjatywy społeczne

Social initiatives

In consideration of the residents well-being, we implement effective and innovative social initiatives.
Rozwój obszarów wiejskich

Assistance to Rural Areas

We are changing rural areas for smart and sustainable development throughout the country.